Thursday 14 June 2018

Top Ten Football Players in the World

 01 Lionel Messi

Birthdate: June 24, 1987
Position: Forward
Teams: Argentina, F.C. Barcelona

02 Cristiano Ronaldo

Birthdate: Feb. 5, 1985
Position: Forward
Teams: Portugal, Real Madrid

03 Luis Suarez

Birthdate: Jan. 24, 1987
Position: Forward
Teams: Uruguay, F.C. Barcelona

 04 Neymar

Birthdate: Feb. 5, 1992
Position: Forward
Teams: Brazil, F.C. Barcelona

05 Sergio Aguero

Birthdate: June 2, 1988
Position: Forward
Teams: Argentina, Manchester City F.C.

06 Manuel Neuer

Birthdate: March 27, 1986
Position: Goalkeeper
Teams: Germany, F.C. Bayern Munich

07 Gareth Bale

Birthdate: July 16, 1989
Position: Forward
Teams: Wales, Real Madrid

08 Andres Iniesta

Birthdate: May 11, 1984
Position: Midfielder
Teams: Spain, F.C. Barcelona

09 Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Birthdate: Oct. 3, 1981
Position: Forward
Teams: Sweden, Manchester United F.C.

10 Arjen Robben

Birthdate: Jan. 23, 1984
Position: Forward
Teams: Holland, Bayern Munich

Thursday 17 August 2017

List of Sciences

1)   acarology:-                 study of mites
2)   accidence grammar book; science of inflections in grammar
3)   aceology:-          therapeutics:-       
4)   acology:-           study of medical remedies
5)   acoustics:-         science of sound
6)   adenology:-                study of glands
7)   aedoeology:-              science of generative organs
8)   aerobiology:-             study of airborne organisms
9)   aerodonetics:-           science or study of gliding
10)aerodynamics:-           dynamics:-    of gases; science of movement in a flow of air or gas
11)aerolithology:-         study of aerolites; meteorites
12)aerology:-          study of the atmosphere
13)aeronautics:-              study of navigation through air or space
14)aerophilately   collecting of air-mail stamps
15)aerostatics:-               science of air pressure; art of ballooning
16)agonistics:-        art and theory of prize-fighting
17)agriology:-        the comparative study of primitive peoples
18)agrobiology:-             study of plant nutrition; soil yields
19)agrology:-         study of agricultural soils
20)agronomics:-   study of productivity of land
21)agrostology:-            science or study of grasses
22)alethiology:-              study of truth
23)algedonics:-      science of pleasure and pain
24)algology:-         study of algae
25)anaesthesiology:-               study of anaesthetics:-       
26)anaglyptics:-               art of carving in bas-relief
27)anagraphy         art of constructing catalogues
28)anatomy   study of the structure of the body
29)andragogy        science of teaching adults
30)anemology:-                study of winds
31)angelology:-               study of angels
32)angiology:-        study of blood flow and lymphatic system
33)anthropobiology:-             study of human biology:-       
34)anthropology:-         study of human cultures
35)aphnology:-                science of wealth
36)apiology:-           study of bees
37)arachnology:-           study of spiders
38)archaeology:-            study of human material remains
39)archelogy:-                 the study of first principles
40)archology:-                science of the origins of government
41)arctophily        study of teddy bears
42)areology:-          study of Mars
43)aretaics:-            the science of virtue
44)aristology:-                the science or art of dining
45)arthrology:-              study of joints
46)astacology:-               the science of crayfish
47)astheniology:-           study of diseases of weakening and aging
48)astrogeology:-           study of extraterrestrial geology:-       
49)astrology:-        study of influence of stars on people
50)astrometeorology:-           study of effect of stars on climate
51)astronomy        study of celestial bodies
52)astrophysics:-   study of behaviour of interstellar matter
53)astroseismology:-               study of star oscillations
54)atmology:-         the science of aqueous vapour
55)audiology:-        study of hearing
56)autecology:-               study of ecology:-        of one species
57)autology:-         scientific study of oneself
58)auxology:-         science of growth
59)avionics:-           the science of electronic devices for aircraft
60)axiology:-          the science of the ultimate nature of values
61)bacteriology:-            study of bacteria
62)balneology:-               the science of the therapeutic use of baths
63)barodynamics:-           science of the support and mechanics:-    of bridges
64)barology:-         study of gravitation
65)batology:-          the study of brambles
66)bibliology:-        study of books
67)bibliotics:-         study of documents to determine authenticity
68)bioecology:-               study of interaction of life in the environment
69)biology:-            study of life
70)biometrics:-       study of biological measurement
71)bionomics:-        study of organisms interacting in their environments
72)botany      study of plants
73)bromatology:-           study of food
74)brontology:-              scientific study of thunder
75)bryology:-          the study of mosses and liverworts
76)cacogenics:-      study of racial degeneration
77)caliology:-        study of bird's nests
78)calorifics:-        study of heat
79)cambistry science of international exchange
80)campanology:-            the art of bell ringing
81)carcinology:-             study of crabs and other crustaceans
82)cardiology:-               study of the heart
83)caricology:-               study of sedges
84)carpology:-        study of fruit
85)cartography     the science of making maps and globes
86)cartophily        the hobby of collecting cigarette cards
87)castrametation         the art of designing a camp
88)catacoustics:-            science of echoes or reflected sounds
89)catalactics:-               science of commercial exchange
90)catechectics:-            the art of teaching by question and answer
91)cetology:-          study of whales and dolphins
92)chalcography  the art of engraving on copper or brass
93)chalcotriptics:-         art of taking rubbings from ornamental brasses
94)chaology:-         the study of chaos or chaos theory
95)characterology:-               study of development of character
96)chemistry study of properties of substances
97)chirocosmetics:-                 beautifying the hands; art of manicure
98)chirography     study of handwriting or penmanship
99)chirology:-                 study of the hands
100)             chiropody         medical science of feet
101)             chorology:-               science of the geographic description of anything
102)             chrematistics:-           the study of wealth; political economy
103)             chronobiology:-                 study of biological rhythms
104)             chrysology:-               study of precious metals
105)             ciselure    the art of chasing metal
106)             climatology:-             study of climate
107)             clinology:-        study of aging or individual decline after maturity
108)             codicology:-              study of manuscripts
109)             coleopterology:-                study of beetles and weevils
110)             cometology:-              study of comets
111)             conchology:-             study of shells
112)             coprology:-                study of pornography
113)             cosmetology:-            study of cosmetics:-       
114)             cosmology:-                study of the universe
115)             craniology:-               study of the skull
116)             criminology:-             study of crime; criminals
117)             cryobiology:-             study of life under cold conditions
118)             cryptology:-               study of codes
119)             cryptozoology:-        study of animals for whose existence there is no conclusive proof
120)             ctetology:-        study of the inheritance of acquired characteristics:-       
121)             cynology:-         scientific study of dogs
122)             cytology:-          study of living cells
123)             dactyliology:-            study of rings
124)             dactylography the study of fingerprints
125)             dactylology:-             study of sign language
126)             deltiology:-                the collection and study of picture postcards
127)             demology:-        study of human behaviour
128)             demonology:-             study of demons
129)             dendrochronology:-        study of tree rings
130)             dendrology:-             study of trees
131)             deontology:-              the theory or study of moral obligation
132)             dermatoglyphics:-     the study of skin patterns and fingerprints
133)             dermatology:-            study of skin
134)             desmology:-                study of ligaments
135)             diabology:-        study of devils
136)             diagraphics:-     art of making diagrams or drawings
137)             dialectology:-            study of dialects
138)             dioptrics:-         study of light refraction
139)             diplomatics:-              science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
140)             diplomatology:-        study of diplomats
141)             docimology:-              the art of assaying
142)             dosiology:-        the study of doses
143)             dramaturgy      art of producing and staging dramatic works
144)             dysgenics:-         the study of racial degeneration
145)             dysteleology:-            study of purposeless organs
146)             ecclesiology:-             study of church affairs
147)             eccrinology:-             study of excretion
148)             ecology:-            study of environment
149)             economics:-       study of material wealth
150)             edaphology:-              study of soils
151)             Egyptology:-               study of ancient Egypt
152)             ekistics:-             study of human settlement
153)             electrochemistry     study of relations between electricity and chemicals
154)             electrology:-             study of electricity
155)             electrostatics:-         study of static electricity
156)             embryology:-              study of embryos
157)             emetology:-                 study of vomiting
158)             emmenology:-             the study of menstruation
159)             endemiology:-            study of local diseases
160)             endocrinology:-        study of glands
161)             enigmatology:-          study of enigmas
162)             entomology:-             study of insects
163)             entozoology:-            study of parasites that live inside larger organisms
164)             enzymology:-              study of enzymes
165)             ephebiatrics:-   branch of medicine dealing with adolescence
166)             epidemiology:-            study of diseases; epidemics:-  
167)             epileptology:-             study of epilepsy
168)             epistemology:-            study of grounds of knowledge
169)             eremology:-                study of deserts
170)             ergology:-         study of effects of work on humans
171)             ergonomics:-     study of people at work
172)             escapology:-                study of freeing oneself from constraints
173)             eschatology:-             study of death; final matters
174)             ethnogeny        study of origins of races or ethnic groups
175)             ethnology:-                study of cultures
176)             ethnomethodology:-        study of everyday communication
177)             ethnomusicology:-             study of comparative musical systems
178)             ethology:-         study of natural or biological character
179)             ethonomics:-   study of economic and ethical principles of a society
180)             etiology:-           the science of causes; especially of disease
181)             etymology:-                 study of origins of words
182)             euthenics:-        science concerned with improving living conditions
183)             exobiology:-                study of extraterrestrial life
184)             floristry  the art of cultivating and selling flowers
185)             fluviology:-                study of watercourses
186)             folkloristics:-            study of folklore and fables
187)             futurology:-              study of future
188)             garbology:-                 study of garbage
189)             gastroenterology:-            study of stomach; intestines
190)             gastronomy      study of fine dining
191)             gemmology:-               study of gems and jewels
192)             genealogy:-        study of descent of families
193)             genesiology:-              study of reproduction and heredity
194)             genethlialogy:-         the art of casting horoscopes
195)             geochemistry   study of chemistry of the earth's crust
196)             geochronology:-                study of measuring geological time
197)             geogeny    science of the formation of the earth's crust
198)             geogony   study of formation of the earth
199)             geography         study of surface of the earth and its inhabitants
200)             geology:-           study of earth's crust
201)             geomorphogeny        study of the origins of land forms
202)             geoponics:-        study of agriculture
203)             geotechnics:-   study of increasing habitability of the earth
204)             geratology:-               study of decadence and decay
205)             gerocomy study of old age
206)             gerontology:-            study of the elderly; aging
207)             gigantology:-             study of giants
208)             glaciology:-                study of ice ages and glaciation
209)             glossology:-               study of language; study of the tongue
210)             glyptography   the art of engraving on gems
211)             glyptology:-               study of gem engravings
212)             gnomonics:-      the art of measuring time using sundials
213)             gnosiology:-               study of knowledge; philosophy of knowledge
214)             gnotobiology:-          study of life in germ-free conditions
215)             graminology:-            study of grasses
216)             grammatology:-         study of systems of writing
217)             graphemics:-      study of systems of representing speech in writing
218)             graphology:-              study of handwriting
219)             gromatics:-        science of surveying
220)             gynaecology:-            study of women’s physiology:-       
221)             gyrostatics:-               the study of rotating bodies
222)             haemataulics:-            study of movement of blood through blood vessels
223)             hagiology:-                 study of saints
224)             halieutics:-        study of fishing
225)             hamartiology:-          study of sin
226)             harmonics:-       study of musical acoustics:-       
227)             hedonics:-         part of ethics:-    or psychology:-        dealing with pleasure
228)             helcology:-                 study of ulcers
229)             heliology:-        science of the sun
230)             helioseismology:-               study of sun's interior by observing its surface oscillations
231)             helminthology:-                 study of worms
232)             hematology:-              study of blood
233)             heortology:-              study of religious feasts
234)             hepatology:-               study of liver
235)             heraldry  study of coats of arms
236)             heresiology:-              study of heresies
237)             herpetology:-             study of reptiles and amphibians
238)             hierology:-        science of sacred matters
239)             hippiatrics:-       study of diseases of horses
240)             hippology:-        the study of horses
241)             histology:-        study of the tissues of organisms
242)             histopathology:-                study of changes in tissue due to disease
243)             historiography         study of writing history
244)             historiology:-            study of history
245)             homiletics:-                the art of preaching
246)             hoplology:-                the study of weapons
247)             horography      art of constructing sundials or clocks
248)             horology:-        science of time measurement
249)             horticulture   study of gardening
250)             hydrobiology:-          study of aquatic organisms
251)             hydrodynamics:-       study of movement in liquids
252)             hydrogeology:-         study of ground water
253)             hydrography    study of investigating bodies of water
254)             hydrokinetics:-          study of motion of fluids
255)             hydrology:-                study of water resources
256)             hydrometeorology:-         study of atmospheric moisture
257)             hydropathy      study of treating diseases with water
258)             hyetology:-                 science of rainfall
259)             hygiastics:-        science of health and hygiene
260)             hygienics:-         study of sanitation; health
261)             hygiology:-        hygienics:-   ; study of cleanliness
262)             hygrology:-                study of humidity
263)             hygrometry      science of humidity
264)             hymnography   study of writing hymns
265)             hymnology:-               study of hymns
266)             hypnology:-                study of sleep; study of hypnosis
267)             hypsography     science of measuring heights
268)             iamatology:-               study of remedies
269)             iatrology:-        treatise or text on medical topics:-   ; study of medicine
270)             iatromathematics:-            archaic practice of medicine in conjunction with astrology:-       
271)             ichnography    art of drawing ground plans; a ground plan
272)             ichnology:-                science of fossilized footprints
273)             ichthyology:-            study of fish
274)             iconography     study of drawing symbols
275)             iconology:-                 study of icons; symbols
276)             ideogeny  study of origins of ideas
277)             ideology:-          science of ideas; system of ideas used to justify behaviour
278)             idiomology:-               study of idiom, jargon or dialect
279)             idiopsychology:-        psychology:-        of one's own mind
280)             immunogenetics:-                study of genetic characteristics:-        of immunity
281)             immunology:-             study of immunity
282)             immunopathology:-           study of immunity to disease
283)             insectology:-              study of insects
284)             irenology:-        the study of peace
285)             iridology:-        study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
286)             kalology:-          study of beauty
287)             karyology:-        study of cell nuclei
288)             kidology:-          study of kidding
289)             kinematics:-                 study of motion
290)             kinesics:-            study of gestural communication
291)             kinesiology:-               study of human movement and posture
292)             kinetics:-            study of forces producing or changing motion
293)             koniology:-                 study of atmospheric pollutants and dust
294)             ktenology:-                 science of putting people to death
295)             kymatology:-              study of wave motion
296)             labeorphily       collection and study of beer bottle labels
297)             larithmics:-       study of population statistics:-       
298)             laryngology:-            study of larynx
299)             lepidopterology:-               study of butterflies and moths
300)             leprology:-        study of leprosy
301)             lexicology:-                study of words and their meanings
302)             lexigraphy         art of definition of words
303)             lichenology:-             study of lichens
304)             limacology:-               study of slugs
305)             limnobiology:-           study of freshwater ecosystems
306)             limnology:-                 study of bodies of fresh water
307)             linguistics:-                study of language
308)             lithology:-        study of rocks
309)             liturgiology:-            study of liturgical forms and church rituals
310)             loimology:-                 study of plagues and epidemics:-  
311)             loxodromy        study of sailing along rhumb-lines
312)             magirics:-           art of cookery
313)             magnanerie       art of raising silkworms
314)             magnetics:-        study of magnetism
315)             malacology:-              study of molluscs
316)             malariology:-             study of malaria
317)             mammalogy:-               study of mammals
318)             manège      the art of horsemanship
319)             Mariology:-                study of the Virgin Mary
320)             martyrology:-            study of martyrs
321)             mastology:-                 study of mammals
322)             mathematics:-             study of magnitude, number, and forms
323)             mazology:-         mammalogy:-       ; study of mammals
324)             mechanics:-       study of action of force on bodies
325)             meconology:-             study of or treatise concerning opium
326)             melittology:-             study of bees
327)             mereology:-                study of part-whole relationships
328)             mesology:-         ecology:-       
329)             metallogeny     study of the origin and distribution of metal deposits
330)             metallography study of the structure and constitution of metals
331)             metallurgy        study of alloying and treating metals
332)             metaphysics:-     study of principles of nature and thought
333)             metapolitics:-             study of politics:-        in theory or abstract
334)             metapsychology:-                study of nature of the mind
335)             meteoritics:-               the study of meteors
336)             meteorology:-            study of weather
337)             metrics:-             study of versification
338)             metrology:-                science of weights and measures
339)             microanatomy  study of microscopic tissues
340)             microbiology:-           study of microscopic organisms
341)             microclimatology:-           study of local climates
342)             micrology:-                 study or discussion of trivialities
343)             micropalaeontology:-                 study of microscopic fossils
344)             microphytology:-               study of very small plant life
345)             microscopy        study of minute objects
346)             mineralogy:-               study of minerals
347)             molinology:-              study of mills and milling
348)             momilogy:-        study of mummies
349)             morphology:-             study of forms and the development of structures
350)             muscology:-                the study of mosses
351)             museology:-                the study of museums
352)             musicology:-               study of music
353)             mycology:-         study of funguses
354)             myology:-           study of muscles
355)             myrmecology:-           study of ants
356)             mythology:-                study of myths; fables; tales
357)             naology:-           study of church or temple architecture
358)             nasology:-         study of the nose
359)             nautics:-             art of navigation
360)             nematology:-              the study of nematodes
361)             neonatology:-            study of newborn babies
362)             neossology:-               study of nestling birds
363)             nephology:-                study of clouds
364)             nephrology:-              study of the kidneys
365)             neurobiology:-          study of anatomy of the nervous system
366)             neurology:-                study of nervous system
367)             neuropsychology:-             study of relation between brain and behaviour
368)             neurypnology:-          study of hypnotism
369)             neutrosophy     study of the origin and nature of philosophical neutralities
370)             nidology:-         study of nests
371)             nomology:-        the science of the laws; especially of the mind
372)             noology:-          science of the intellect
373)             nosology:-         study of diseases
374)             nostology:-                study of senility
375)             notaphily collecting of bank-notes and cheques
376)             numerology:-             study of numbers
377)             numismatics:-              study of coins
378)             nymphology:-             study of nymphs
379)             obstetrics:-        study of midwifery
380)             oceanography  study of oceans
381)             oceanology:-              study of oceans
382)             odology:-          science of the hypothetical mystical force of od
383)             odontology:-             study of teeth
384)             oenology:-         study of wines
385)             oikology:-          science of housekeeping
386)             olfactology:-             study of the sense of smell
387)             ombrology:-               study of rain
388)             oncology:-        study of tumours
389)             oneirology:-               study of dreams
390)             onomasiology:-          study of nomenclature
391)             onomastics:-               study of proper names
392)             ontology:-        science of pure being; the nature of things
393)             oology:-             study of eggs
394)             ophiology:-                 study of snakes
395)             ophthalmology:-                study of eye diseases
396)             optics:-               study of light
397)             optology:-         study of sight
398)             optometry         science of examining the eyes
399)             orchidology:-            study of orchids
400)             ornithology:-            study of birds
401)             orology:-           study of mountains
402)             orthoepy  study of correct pronunciation
403)             orthography    study of spelling
404)             orthopterology:-               study of cockroaches
405)             oryctology:-              mineralogy:-        or paleontology:-       
406)             osmics:-     scientific study of smells
407)             osmology:-        study of smells and olfactory processes
408)             osphresiology:-          study of the sense of smell
409)             osteology:-        study of bones
410)             otology:-           study of the ear
411)             otorhinolaryngology:-             study of ear, nose and throat
412)             paedology:-        study of children
413)             paedotrophy     art of rearing children
414)             paidonosology:-        study of children's diseases; pediatrics:-  
415)             palaeoanthropology:-                study of early humans
416)             palaeobiology:-          study of fossil plants and animals
417)             palaeoclimatology:-           study of ancient climates
418)             palaeolimnology:-              study of ancient fish
419)             palaeolimnology:-              study of ancient lakes
420)             palaeontology:-         study of fossils
421)             palaeopedology:-                 study of early soils
422)             paleobotany      study of ancient plants
423)             paleo-osteology:-                study of ancient bones
424)             palynology:-               study of pollen
425)             papyrology:-                study of paper
426)             parapsychology:-                 study of unexplained mental phenomena
427)             parasitology:-            study of parasites
428)             paroemiology:-           study of proverbs
429)             parthenology:-          study of virgins
430)             pataphysics:-      the science of imaginary solutions
431)             pathology:-                 study of disease
432)             patrology:-        study of early Christianity
433)             pedagogics:-      study of teaching
434)             pedology:-         study of soils
435)             pelology:-          study of mud
436)             penology:-         study of crime and punishment
437)             periodontics:-            study of gums
438)             peristerophily  pigeon-collecting
439)             pestology:-        science of pests
440)             petrology:-        study of rocks
441)             pharmacognosy         study of drugs of animal and plant origin
442)             pharmacology:-         study of drugs
443)             pharology:-                study of lighthouses
444)             pharyngology:-          study of the throat
445)             phenology:-                study of organisms as affected by climate
446)             phenomenology:-                study of phenomena
447)             philately  study of postage stamps
448)             philematology:-         the act or study of kissing
449)             phillumeny        collecting of matchbox labels
450)             philology:-        study of ancient texts; historical linguistics:-       
451)             philosophy        science of knowledge or wisdom
452)             phoniatrics:-     study and correction of speech defects
453)             phonology:-               study of speech sounds
454)             photobiology:-          study of effects of light on organisms
455)             phraseology:-             study of phrases
456)             phrenology:-              study of bumps on the head
457)             phycology:-                 study of algae and seaweeds
458)             physics:-   study of properties of matter and energy
459)             physiology:-                study of processes of life
460)             phytology:-                 study of plants; botany
461)             piscatology:-              study of fishes
462)             pisteology:-                 science or study of faith
463)             planetology:-             study of planets
464)             plutology:-        political economy; study of wealth
465)             pneumatics:-                study of mechanics:-    of gases
466)             podiatry   study and treatment of disorders of the foot; chiropody
467)             podology:-         study of the feet
468)             polemology:-              study of war
469)             pomology:-        study of fruit-growing
470)             posology:-          science of quantity or dosage
471)             potamology:-              study of rivers
472)             praxeology:-               study of practical or efficient activity; science of efficient action
473)             primatology:-             study of primates
474)             proctology:-              study of rectum
475)             prosody    study of versification
476)             protistology:-            study of protists
477)             proxemics:-        study of man’s need for personal space
478)             psalligraphy      the art of paper-cutting to make pictures
479)             psephology:-               study of election results and voting trends
480)             pseudology:-               art or science of lying
481)             pseudoptics:-               study of optical illusions
482)             psychobiology:-         study of biology:-        of the mind
483)             psychogenetics:-        study of internal or mental states
484)             psychognosy     study of mentality, personality or character
485)             psychology:-               study of mind
486)             psychopathology:-             study of mental illness
487)             psychophysics:-           study of link between mental and physical processes
488)             pteridology:-              study of ferns
489)             pterylology:-              study of distribution of feathers on birds
490)             pyretology:-                study of fevers
491)             pyrgology:-        study of towers
492)             pyroballogy:-              study of artillery
493)             pyrography       study of woodburning
494)             quinology:-                study of quinine
495)             raciology:-        study of racial differences
496)             radiology:-        study of X-rays and their medical applications
497)             reflexology:-              study of reflexes
498)             rhabdology:-              knowledge or learning concerning divining rods
499)             rhabdology:-              art of calculating using numbering rods
500)             rheology:-         science of the deformation or flow of matter
501)             rheumatology:-         study of rheumatism
502)             rhinology:-                study of the nose
503)             rhochrematics:-        science of inventory management and the movement of products
504)             runology:-        study of runes
505)             sarcology:-        study of fleshy parts of the body
506)             satanology:-               study of the devil
507)             scatology:-        study of excrement or obscene literature
508)             schematonics:-           art of using gesture to express tones
509)             sciagraphy         art of shading
510)             scripophily        collection of bond and share certificates
511)             sedimentology:-         study of sediment
512)             seismology:-                study of earthquakes
513)             selenodesy         study of the shape and features of the moon
514)             selenology:-                study of the moon
515)             semantics:-         study of meaning
516)             semantology:-            science of meanings of words
517)             semasiology:-              study of meaning; semantics:-       
518)             semiology:-        study of signs and signals
519)             semiotics:-          study of signs and symbols
520)             serology:-          study of serums
521)             sexology:-          study of sexual behaviour
522)             siderography    art of engraving on steel
523)             sigillography   study of seals
524)             significs:-           science of meaning
525)             silvics:-      study of tree's life
526)             sindonology:-            study of the shroud of Turin
527)             Sinology:-          study of China
528)             sitology:-           dietetics:-       
529)             sociobiology:-            study of biological basis of human behaviour
530)             sociology:-        study of society
531)             somatology:-              science of the properties of matter
532)             sophiology:-               science of ideas
533)             soteriology:-              study of theological salvation
534)             spectrology:-              study of ghosts
535)             spectroscopy     study of spectra
536)             speleology:-                study and exploration of caves
537)             spermology:-               study of seeds
538)             sphagnology:-            study of peat moss
539)             sphragistics:-              study of seals and signets
540)             sphygmology:-            study of the pulse
541)             splanchnology:-        study of the entrails or viscera
542)             spongology:-              study of sponges
543)             stasiology:-                 study of political parties
544)             statics:-              study of bodies and forces in equilibrium
545)             stemmatology:-          study of relationships between texts
546)             stoichiology:-            science of elements of animal tissues
547)             stomatology:-            study of the mouth
548)             storiology:-                study of folk tales
549)             stratigraphy     study of geological layers or strata
550)             stratography   art of leading an army
551)             stylometry        studying literature by means of statistical analysis
552)             suicidology:-              study of suicide
553)             symbology:-                 study of symbols
554)             symptomatology:-               study of symptoms of illness
555)             synecology:-               study of ecological communities
556)             synectics:-          study of processes of invention
557)             syntax       study of sentence structure
558)             syphilology:-              study of syphilis
559)             systematology:-         study of systems
560)             taxidermy art of curing and stuffing animals
561)             tectonics:-         science of structure of objects, buildings and landforms
562)             tegestology:-              study and collecting of beer mats
563)             teleology:-        study of final causes; analysis in terms of purpose
564)             telmatology:-             study of swamps
565)             teratology:-               study of monsters, freaks, abnormal growths or malformations
566)             teuthology:-              study of cephalopods
567)             textology:-        study of the production of texts
568)             thalassography         science of the sea
569)             thanatology:-            study of death and its customs
570)             thaumatology:-         study of miracles
571)             theology:-         study of religion; religious doctrine
572)             theriatrics:-      veterinary medicine
573)             theriogenology:-               study of animals' reproductive systems
574)             thermodynamics:-     study of relation of heat to motion
575)             thermokinematics:-            study of motion of heat
576)             thermology:-             study of heat
577)             therology:-                study of wild mammals
578)             thremmatology:-                science of breeding domestic animals and plants
579)             threpsology:-             science of nutrition
580)             tidology:-          study of tides
581)             timbrology:-               study of postage stamps
582)             tocology:-         obstetrics:-   ; midwifery
583)             tonetics:-           study of pronunciation
584)             topology:-         study of places and their natural features
585)             toponymics:-     study of place-names
586)             toreutics:-         study of artistic work in metal
587)             toxicology:-               study of poisons
588)             toxophily love of archery; archery; study of archery
589)             traumatology:-          study of wounds and their effects
590)             tribology:-        study of friction and wear between surfaces
591)             trichology:-               study of hair and its disorders
592)             trophology:-              study of nutrition
593)             tsiganology:-             study of gypsies
594)             turnery    art of turning in a lathe
595)             typhlology:-               study of blindness and the blind
596)             typography        art of printing or using type
597)             typology:-          study of types of things
598)             ufology:-           study of alien spacecraft
599)             uranography    descriptive astronomy and mapping
600)             uranology:-                study of the heavens; astronomy
601)             urbanology:-              study of cities
602)             urenology:-                study of rust molds
603)             urology:-           study of urine; urinary tract
604)             venereology:-             study of venereal disease
605)             vermeology:-              study of worms
606)             vexillology:-               study of flags
607)             victimology:-              study of victims
608)             vinology:-          scientific study of vines and winemaking
609)             virology:-          study of viruses
610)             vitrics:-     glassy materials; glassware; study of glassware
611)             volcanology:-            study of volcanoes
612)             vulcanology:-            study of volcanoes
613)             xylography        art of engraving on wood
614)             xylology:-          study of wood
615)             zenography       study of the planet Jupiter
616)             zoiatrics:-          veterinary surgery
617)             zooarchaeology:-               study of animal remains of archaeological sites
618)             zoochemistry   chemistry of animals
619)             zoogeography  study of geographic distribution of animals
620)             zoogeology:-              study of fossil animal remains
621)             zoology:-           study of animals
622)             zoonomy  animal physiology:-       
623)             zoonosology:-           study of animal diseases
624)             zoopathology:-         study of animal diseases
625)             zoophysics:-       physics:-    of animal bodies
626)             zoophysiology:-         study of physiology:-        of animals
627)             zoophytology:-          study of plant-like animals
628)             zoosemiotics:-            study of animal communication
629)             zootaxy    science of classifying animals
630)             zootechnics:-             science of breeding animals
631)             zygology:-         science of joining and fastening
632)             zymology:-         science of fermentation

633)             zymurgy    branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling

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